Get Involved

There are many ways to contribute to FWB. In addition to participating in the Discord and IRL events, members have the opportunity to get involved with the DAO’s governance, weigh in on existing projects, spin up creative proposals for the DAO to vote on, and receive funding for community-approved projects.

Additionally, members and contributors who help steward the DAO’s ongoing initiatives and operations are compensated for their work. Funded opportunities arise in harmony with the group’s needs, and vary based on the DAO’s evolving priorities.

Browse through this section to find some of the currently available opportunities for FWB members…


FWB is a collective experiment for how Web3 tools can enable new ways of thinking and creating. Members should always feel empowered to propose projects, rally a squad, and make all kinds of things happen.

FWB Garage™, our grant program, makes it easier for members to propose, fund, and produce a creative project that benefits the FWB community. For season six, Garage Grants distributed up to $50K worth of $FWB to get member-led projects off the ground. Read more about our Garage Grants program, and learn more in the #garage-grants channel on Discord.


FWB hosts a regular slate of URL and IRL events. Most of our digital events are hosted via the voice channels in our Discord server, with the occasional event on Zoom or Twitter Spaces. FWB activates IRL across the globe, through more formalized programming like FWB FEST and decentralized programming through our city keys program and casual meet ups.

Any member can propose an event for funding through an program like city keys, or can form a proposal to present to the community if they are seeking more funding. Through our location based channels channels, people often host more casual meet ups with other local members to gather at a coffee shop or try a new restaurant.

City Keys

Event Keys

The process for event keys was implemented in Season 6. Event Keys was born out of a need to further decentralize our IRL event programming and expand our reach beyond the diversity of events coming from our Cities subDAOs (formerly LA, New York, and London).

Event Keys create city-specific experiences for the FWB community to come together locally, with an eye toward programming, building relationships, and strengthening local networks. Part of the idea behind Event Keys is that they are accessible: they are not necessarily full-fledged exhibitions or parties that require exorbitant funding or a high demand run-of-show. Event keys are often more low-lift gatherings whose resources are the onus of the group to source. Think: direct-payable direct dinners, art crawls, picnics, film screenings, or food tours.

At the start of season 6, any FWB member was welcomed to submit an event key proposal in the format outlined in the Snapshot. The proposals were vetted then voted on by the entire community, with 10 event keys awarded for the season. Learn more in the #city-keys channel and via the source links below.

While Season 6 events are well underway, you can still apply here for a Lite Key for low-key events with a budget up to $250.

Event Keys Proposal

Event Keys Snapshot



FWB uses a token-weighted voting system with no quorum. We use a decentralized voting system called Snapshot to vote on all proposals. View our archive of Snapshot votes.

Delegation is an option if token holders want to navigate to Snapshot and delegate their votes, however it is not time-boxed and is not part of a formal process.

Community members are able to submit proposals by first filling out a micro-proposal to the Governance Team who then prepares that proposal for #live-discussion. Proposals are in #live-discussion for a minimum of 5 days. Proposals are then moved from #live-discussion to Snapshot and then ultimately voted on (see the proposal section after this for more details).

Voting Topics

The Governance Team reviews proposals to ensure they are in alignment with FWB’s mission and values and the overall health of the DAO. Similarly, there is not a formal split as to which things go to Snapshot and which can be decided within Discord or another forum. Generally, our best practices are applied such that those items that have a meaningful impact to the DAOs resources (treasury, human capital, etc.) are taken to Snapshot vote.

Voting Timelines

While we do not have a set time for how long proposals must stay up on Snapshot, we typically require a minimum of 3 working days for any proposal, and often 7 full days.

Via our Governance Documentation

Putting up a Proposal

  1. Community led proposals start as an idea and are workshopped in whatever the way the proposer(s) want: alone, in the Discord, or with the proposal review committee.

  2. When the proposal is sufficiently coherent the proposer(s) will fill out the FWB Proposal Template.

  3. Contributors must make any conflict of interest (potential or possible) disclosures as necessary within the proposal.

  4. The proposal is shared with the Proposal Review Committee who will provide feedback and connect the proposer(s) with relevant FWB teams that may have feedback. The finance team is always included to review that the proposal’s budgetary impact has been accurately estimated.

  5. After this feedback is provided and the proposer(s) feel confident then the proposal is posted to #live-proposals where everyone is notified and public final feedback is provided. There is no set time it is up for, but we tend to have a best practice of at least 1 week.

  6. The proposer(s) adjusts their proposal as they want and the Proposal Review Committee will then post it to Snapshot for community vote and notify everyone.

Via our Governance Documentation

Channel Leads

As our community continues to grow, we realize our approach to Discord has to evolve with us. In early 2022 under our ‘Discord Maintenance’ proposal the role of a channel lead was created. We introduced member-led roles to drive more nuanced discussion in our key channel verticals: Creative, Trading, Lifestyle, Learning and NFTs.

Category leads are tasked with connecting people, stirring conversation, and coming up with benefits on a channel-specific basis. Initially, Category Leads were selected by the Membership team based on past channel activity, as well as by peer- and self-nomination to ensure it's a diverse and inclusive group. Overall, Category Leads will continue to work to make everyone feel welcome and included in the Discord by ensuring their designated channel offers clear, meaningful ways to participate. The proposal gives each category lead two seasons in their role, with the chance to renew within the nomination process the proposal indicates.

Discord Maintenance Proposal

Discord Maintenance Snapshot

Channel Lead Job Description


We use a tool called FairShare (FKA as Source Cred) to reward FWB members for their active participation in the Discord. The more you chat, react, and are mentioned by other members, the more $FWB you can earn. Currently the program rewards those who post in the Discord with the following weights, paid in FWB on a seasonal basis.

Sent Messages: 0.25

Mentions Received: 0.5

Reactions Received: 1

As the program evolves, we will be able to start collecting and incentivizing things such as: event attendance, voting participation and other on-chain activity.

Via #Get-Involved 7/7/22


TL;DR is the DAO's community-driven weekly roundup of what went down in the Discord. Anyone is welcome to contribute 1-4 blurbs of approximately 150 words each per month, recapping significant events and/or conversations from one of our many channels (we're also open to folks writing on other topics).

Writers receive $FWB tokens as compensation, splitting a pool of $FWB based on how much they contribute in any given month. No writing experience is necessary. Contact Drew (@tonyhawkprogolfer#0691) and Cameron (@cameronparkins) if you’d like to start writing for TL;DR.


FWB’s core team works across product, marketing, partnerships, membership, and strategy to move the DAO forward. When the core team identifies the need for additional roles, job descriptions are posted on the opportunities page. DAO members who apply for these roles are prioritized for interviews.

We offer competitive salaries for web3, and contributors can opt to be paid in $FWB tokens, USDC, or a combination of both.