Application Process + Host Committee

New members looking to join the FWB community will be encouraged to submit a brief application including a brief bio, their interests, and what they could bring to the community. The current application can be found at: Applications are reviewed regularly by the host committee and accepted on a rolling basis.

Once approved, new members will receive an admission email with onboarding instructions. Once their wallet is threshold verified, applicants will be granted into FWB channels.

FWB’s Host Committee is a rotating group of 20-30 FWB members who vote together to determine who joins the FWB community. The Committee was initially appointed when a membership application process was instated in Season 2, and new committee members are selected based on participation in membership (Co-Pilots, Category Leads), Events (Event Keys, Cities) and Discord participation. Host Committee members understand the value of curating a space and making people feel welcome. While there are not any explicit ‘FWB qualifications’ to join the community, they follow their instincts if an applicant demonstrates that they will contribute to the quality of the community – understanding that part of the decision making will be arbitrary.

Membership voting criteria:

  • Does this person have a unique vantage point, background, or area of expertise to add to the community?
  • Do you get a sense of who this person is outside of their work/professional life? Would I want to sit down and have dinner with this person?
  • Is this person already in the Web3 ecosystem? If yes, does their participation fit with our ethos of being at the forefront of web3 x culture?
  • Is this person from an under-represented community, an artist or creative maintainer?
  • Does the person have a referral from an active FWB member?
  • Does this person have the potential of pushing FWB to be broader, weirder, more thoughtful...?


FWB Membership Co-Pilots respond to posts in the #ask-a-question and #introductions channels, and sometimes also join our Host Committee, which reviews all of the incoming membership applications. Co-Pilots receive up to 5 $FWB each month for their efforts. Contact KD (@kd#3038) if you’re interested in learning more about our membership programs.

Channel Leads

As our community grew, we realized our approach to Discord had to change too. In early 2022 under our ‘Discord Maintenance’ proposal the role of a channel lead was born. This created member-led roles to drive more nuanced discussion in our key channel verticals: Creative, Trading, Lifestyle, and NFTs.

Category leads are tasked with connecting people, stirring conversation, and coming up with benefits on a channel-specific basis. Initially, Category Leads were selected by the Membership team based on past channel activity, as well as by peer- and self-nomination to ensure it's a diverse and inclusive group. Overall, Category Leads will work to make everyone feel welcome and included in the Discord by ensuring their designated channel offers clear and meaningful ways to participate. The proposal gives each category lead one season in their role, with the chance to renew within the nomination process the proposal indicates.

Discord Maintenance Proposal

Discord Maintenance Snapshot

Channel Lead Job Description